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November reading for EARTH signs!

🌏Earth signs monthly reading for November 🌏

“Sige, Quiet time”: She appears when it’s time to stop stressing out for unnecessary reasons. Worrying too much is not only bad for your mental health, but physical as well.

“New Love”: Someone new could be coming into your life this month, both feelings will be mutual. If in a relationship, this is a warning to not deceive your partner.

“Ask for help from others”: Again, putting too much stress (I see a lot of mental stress in this reading) on your own shoulders will make the situation worse.

Beginning of month- Five of Swords reversed

A lot of confusion and “possible outcomes” being thought out, selfish energy as well, but you are trying to get out of this energy being reversed.

Middle of month- Seven of Cups

I do see choices needing to be made and it’s not only mental but you could also be emotionally confused.

End of Month- Queen of Pentacles

This could be the new love for some of you! For others I see it’s you finally becoming grounded and becoming less selfish with others. Also having a very beautiful aura!

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